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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lame + Sad = Speechless

Unpredictable. Unexpected. Unbelievable.

That's only word that I could say to express what am I feeling right now. Why all this happen to me and to me, WHY.

I really cannot hardly trough it by my own anymore. But I have and I need to be strong. And the only on my mine right now is WHY.

I cannot and do not want to believe absolutely cannot. I am so tired, damn and definitely tired. And WHY !

Ya Allah, please please and PLEASE help me. Give me some bless, helping me, guide me and I know You are always be with me. But, WHY. Why it takes too long. I cannot stay with it anymore and I want to be free from that.

Ya Allah, please help me. Please. I just can tell everything to you. Only you can understand what I mean. Only you know and only you. Maha besat keagungan mu Ya Allah. Bantulah hambamu yang khilaf dan alpa ini. Aku pohon pada-Mu yang Tuhanku.

What am i cannot understand is what I go soo wrong with it. And why I still cannot go through out from it. Ya Allah, if some others can share this feeling with me. How glad..

Please Ya Allah, make it all easy. Make it all easy.. Poor me, ya Allah.



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Alhamdulillah. On this time I'm writing this entry, everything go smooth. HE did listen to me ! Alhamdulillah. Oh, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. Hanya Pada-Mu ku berserah.. Allahu Akbar.. Terima Kasih Allah, you gave me my smile back..

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