The way you make me feel every day, Is more then any words can say. The happiness you bring to me, Is more then you could ever see. Happiness comes and happiness goes, But my love for you just grows and grows. The twinkle they say I have in my eye, Comes from you and only I know why, The reason is that I love you, Without you I would not know what to do. By Ashley Scharboneau
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Minggu Yang Mencabar MEntal & Fizikal
maybe foe certain peoples, they're so excited with this last week of tutor..
but foe me and my other friends,
we're been tired damn mush..
OMG, lmbat nak abeh sem..!!
tid0 xckup tue xksh la,
da biasa..
tp nk mengahadapi hari2 yang banyak dengan tugasan malah nk hantar report y sngt mmerluakn tunas fikiran y kritis sangt memenatkan..
xper la, tyme nie la kite nk manfaatkan spnuhnya tenaga kan..
da abeh stdy nnt nie la bekalan y kite akan bwak..
so we have to think positve..
xkesah la, janji happy..
happy ke..?haha..
happy la sgt..
tp bile lagi nak cbuk cmnie kan..
andai ade lagi ruang,
tym tue la kite kne gunakan sebaekny..
tym mkn triple cheese..credit t0 aen,,tq,cayunk..muaaah~
streeeeeesssssssssssss....nk g sk0l0h..
p0se tetap p0se..haha~
al0sh,rey0k la plak..
faez jamey mud0 nie..~
c0ver snyum je sbnrny,per0t duk berk0nsert tue..haha
0re amk pic nie meme lawa,yu..haha~
tingat tym skul dlu,
asyik nak masuk u je mikir..
tp da msuk u,
bile tingat alam persekolahan..
terasa sngt nk skul balik..
so, what so eva it is..
manfaatlah sepnuhnya..
agar kite dapat menikmati saat ini dengan happy..
yang cdey plak akn jadik teman dan membina..
s0, DO THE BEST yaaa...~
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