The way you make me feel every day, Is more then any words can say. The happiness you bring to me, Is more then you could ever see. Happiness comes and happiness goes, But my love for you just grows and grows. The twinkle they say I have in my eye, Comes from you and only I know why, The reason is that I love you, Without you I would not know what to do. By Ashley Scharboneau
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ahaa, sebelum ini Andai Itu Takdirnya menggegar hari semua pencinta Novel, lepas tu dihidangkan gelak ketawa dalam Cinta Kau dan Aku, seterusnya, dijamu dengan kehebatan Lafazkan Kalimah Cintamu dan sekarang 7 Hari Mencintaiku. Waaaaaaao !
Tajuk pun da WHOA ! Da agak lama buku ni keluar, tapi saya baru plak nak update. Hm, yerla.. Sibuk memanjangkan. Nak baca pon tak sempat lagi ni. Tapi dalam keluaran terbaru dari SR Publication ni agak berkelainan sedikit..
Sebelum ni kali kite tengok, kebanyakkan watak yang dicipta adalah berat kepada watak heroinnya. Yer la, asyek perempuan je yang banyak berkorbankan. Tapi realitinya memang cam tu kooot ? Opps !
Tapi dalam novel ni, lelaki yang diberti tanggungjawab tuk menjadi tunjang pada novel ni. Joooom, belek sinopsisnya !
Sinopsis :
Khuzairi, dalam diam mencintai gadis bernama Mia Adriana. Cinta pandang pertama menjadikan dia seorang perindu yang setia. Namun sifat angkuh dan sombong gadis ini menyebabkan Khuzairi tidak pernah walau sebesar hama jua menyimpan impian untuk memilikinya.
“Kau ni memang dasar jantan tak sedar diri tau. Kau memang saja nak cari pasal dengan aku kan? Hei Khuzairi kau dengar sini. Kau tu budak kampung yang tak sedar diri! Tapi ada hati nak kahwin dengan anak orang kaya! Sedar-sedarkanlah diri kau tu. Kau tak layak langsung nak berdamping dengan akulah. Kau nak aku bawak cermin ke suluhkan muka kau. Buat tak reti bahasalah pulak. Aku harap lepas ni kau akan ingat kata-kata aku ni sampai mati! So…apa kata kau berambus sekarang! Kau pergi balik jaga kambing-kambing kau sebab kat situ baru betul tempat kau!”
Aduhai! Angkuh sungguh kata-katanya. Bungkam seketika Khuzairi mendengarnya. Jauh di sudut hati dia mula bertanya, sampai bila dia mampu untuk terus menahan makian dan hinaan yang di lemparkan oleh gadis ini? Sudah lalikah telinganya? Sudah matikah perasaannya? Tidak ke dia kecewa? Tidakkah dia terluka? Khuzairi mengangguk perlahan.
“Ya, aku juga manusia biasa, aku ada hati dan perasaan, tapi aku tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa, demi satu amanah aku harus menelannya, demi satu amanah aku harus terus bersabar….”
Amanah? Amanah siapa yang di genggam oleh Khuzairi itu, sehingga dia sanggup mengheret dirinya ke kancah derita?
Lupakah Mia Adriana, hidup ini bagaikan putaran roda, satu waktu keangkuhan dan kesombongan itu akan memamah dirinya sendiri. Berdoalah, di kala keinsafan menjelma nanti, cinta lelaki bernama Khuzairi ini belum terpadam lagi buat dirinya.
So, jom kite ikuti kisah nye ! ;)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A Walk To Remember
Well.. This title is relate to a famous movie in last years ago. Suddenly, I just remember of this movie and really really really (aksi spongebob) really want having watch it again ! Tapi where do I should do to get this movie ! Adooooi.. Nak sangat sangat tengok.
This is a romantic love story. Arghh, ta kesah la orang nak cakap jiwang pon ape, memang jiwang pon, soooo WHAT ? I am myself at all and one of part of myself that I am proud is because of I jiwang la. Haha..
Oke, melalut koksey plak.. Sambungg...
Sebenarnya cerita ni di adaptasikan dari sebuah novel yang bertajuk sama la. Dan cerita dari novel ni diaplikasikan daripada kehidupan sebenar penulisan asal itu sendiri iaitu, Nicholas Sparks. She gave this writing to her friends before he went to die. Cdey kan.. Y_Y
And this story diterbitkan dan ia menjadi one of the top novel la kat negara dia masa tu. If I'm not mistaken, is around 1999 kot. At that moment, saya masih lagi di sekulah rendah. Kanak-kanak riang gituuuu.. Suke ! Huhu..
Cerita ni mengisahakan Jamie ( Mandy Moore ) and Landon ( Shane West ) yang bercinta lah. Pada mulanya diorang ni tak kenal pon. Landon ni seorang yang malas study, suka bersocial dan kaki pukul la. And tak silap, father of Landon ni pon hantar ke some place and kat situ la dia jumpe dengan Jamie.
Dipendekkan cerita, Landon lama-lama berkenan sangat la kat si Jamie ni. And die pon lamarlah tuk Jamie jadik awek die. Jamie pon setuju, tapi bersyarat. Dan Landon kene ekotlah sayarat die. Barulah persetujuan antara mereka tuk jadikan pasangan kekasih ni tercapai..
So, nak tanak.. Landon kena la ekot sebab pasaan tu nak kan. Antaranya Landon kena la pergi sambung belajar dalam bidang madical die. Semasa si Landon ni sambung study, die pon pelik la name Jamie macam agak sepi at ine time tu and finally, die dapat tahu rahsia terbesar dalam hidup Jamie that Jamie ade Leukemia.
What a truly SAD ! Sodeeey sangat tapi Landon tetap bersama Jamie setiap saat walaopon rupa Jamie da berubah, susut paras kecantikan disebabkan keadaan yang die alami. Dalam pada tu, Landon tetap melamar Jamie dan Jamie sangat terharu. Past paling giler badak punye ni, memang air mate macam sungai da ni.. Ikan pon tanak idop dalam sungai ni sebab deras sangat mengalir.. Huhu..
Diorang pon berkahwin, di church yang Jamie impikan.. Landon sedaya upaya lah menunaikan keinginan Jamie walaupun Jamie tak meminta. Huhuhu.. Sooodey betuuui..
Tapi diorang kawen tak lame, akhirnye Jamie pergi meninggalkan semua. Diakhur musim luruh, di pangkuan Landon. Part ni memang jangan cakap tentang air mate la, memang laju berbakul2 tuala da guna. Time ni da taley gune tisu berkotak2 da, sebab tisu berkotak pon da tak cukup. Lagipon, its costly oke, baek guna tuala. JIMAT. Ehhhh, melalut..
Gitu la akhit klimaks cite nie. Epilog die habis dengan Landon cakap 'our love is like the wind. We can't see it, but we can feel it'.. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu..
Cuuuukup menyayat hati. Sebab lagi satu yang cite nampak istimewa adalah sebab ia diadaptasikan dari cite sebenar. Huhu.. Its about Nicholas Sparks. Dan jalan cerita die istemewa sebab die adalah realiti. Bukan dari nukilan fantasi. ;)
Landon + Jamie = Love
Lame + Sad = Speechless
Unpredictable. Unexpected. Unbelievable.
That's only word that I could say to express what am I feeling right now. Why all this happen to me and to me, WHY.
I really cannot hardly trough it by my own anymore. But I have and I need to be strong. And the only on my mine right now is WHY.
I cannot and do not want to believe absolutely cannot. I am so tired, damn and definitely tired. And WHY !
Ya Allah, please please and PLEASE help me. Give me some bless, helping me, guide me and I know You are always be with me. But, WHY. Why it takes too long. I cannot stay with it anymore and I want to be free from that.
Ya Allah, please help me. Please. I just can tell everything to you. Only you can understand what I mean. Only you know and only you. Maha besat keagungan mu Ya Allah. Bantulah hambamu yang khilaf dan alpa ini. Aku pohon pada-Mu yang Tuhanku.
What am i cannot understand is what I go soo wrong with it. And why I still cannot go through out from it. Ya Allah, if some others can share this feeling with me. How glad..
Please Ya Allah, make it all easy. Make it all easy.. Poor me, ya Allah.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Alhamdulillah. On this time I'm writing this entry, everything go smooth. HE did listen to me ! Alhamdulillah. Oh, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. Hanya Pada-Mu ku berserah.. Allahu Akbar.. Terima Kasih Allah, you gave me my smile back..
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ow, You !!
Well, see ! Today I don't know how to specify whether it's funny or 'yucks'. Haha.. Well, I go the my boss partition.. Then IDK why, there's smelly around that are sooo much. What is that thing ! 5#!+
Then, my boss told me. That something stuck in his computer CPU. But the PC can usually use daily laike before. Tapi in somtimes, its also hang. Ade ape eeeek ! Plek bebenor la.. Tak abeh lagi dengan the bau tu.. Huh~
Then, today. We called our IT technician to fix it. And die pon buat2 la.. Apo kono la komputer boh aku neh.. Godek punye godek... Lasssst and last jumpe la sekor makhluk tu.. Geger seluruh opis ! Hahaha.. And the thing is :
Owwww, nooooooo ! Patot la bau bukan maen . Camane die bley masuk dalam CPU PC tue pon tatau. Hahaha.. Yang bau kuat tue sebab die da aleady burned ! Hor la, doh lamo jamey tu gap dok dale tu.. Kesian ko wahai si cicak.. Huhuhu~
Monday, August 15, 2011
Giant Statue Of Marilyn Manroe !!
I am sure that all people all over entire world know THIS person. She is a revolution in her era that become more famous after her death.
This people real name is Norma Jeane Mortenson and raised with Norma Jeane Barker. A lot of story about her here.
She is always with her own style : Red lipstick, cheeky eyes, white gaunt, and SEXY attitude !
Well Well Ow Well !
Do you know about this style ?
This is her giler famous style ! And this picture taken from her movie, The Seven Year Itch with Tom Ewell.
And now, let's together SEE this !
This is her giant statue that unveiled in Chicago last Friday on 14th August 2011 with 26-foot-tall height !
OMA !!
The sculpture 'Forever Marilyn' by artists Seward Johnson based on a scene from a movie 'Seven Year Itch' and will display on that country till next spring.
Let's enjoy the pictures !
5 time-management killers at work and at home
Ahaaaaaaa ! This is good to student and worker. Well, now. Let's find out what is the management it is. ;)
I have met and made many friends and seen countless coworkers who were pros when it came to multi-tasking. They could navigate a treadmill while talking on the phone and typing up an email on their smart phone while planning their 6-year-old's birthday party. Frankly, it's impressive. Of course, I am no slouch when it comes to multi-tasking, mind you. Unfortunately, many gals I know fail at time management for five elementary reasons, and from there, the grim news only gets worse. These otherwise proficient and intelligent women shoot themselves in the proverbial foot at work and at home, resulting in lack of opportunity and scads of stress.
1. You talk too much, and you lose track of time
Most women I encounter are communicators. There is something programmed in our DNA that makes us enjoy talking for the sake of talking. Thankfully, Mother Nature skipped this DNA insertion for me, programming me to embrace a straightforward, to the point and blunt personality. When we gals talk "too much" we lose track of time, and it throws our entire schedule off kilter. A 30-minute meeting winds up being an hour, making us late to our next meeting, and looking incompetent in the process.
Solution: Practice straight and to the point communication. Consider using emails or text messaging as your primary communication vehicle until you master this art. This message format forces you to stay on task and on point and is excellent practice for improving straightforward, no frills communication.
2. You try to do too much at one time
I have a dear friend of mine that is probably my soul mate when it comes to biting off more than she can chew. In fact, we were both guilty of being idea factories -- great ideas minus extensive follow through. When you try to take on "too much," you lose track of what's important both at work and at home. Your mind is running 17 miles per minute, ultimately affecting your sleep cycles and productivity.
Solution: Create a task list, and triage it. Qualify your "to do" items on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and keep your schedule manageable. Delegate when necessary and assign often.
3. You seem disorganized -- and you probably are
One of the biggest drawbacks of being a professional multi-tasker is that I would accrue clutter faster than the government accumulates numbers to our national debt. Sure, that "clutter" would be organized in piles and folders, but it would continue mounting to the ceiling faster than I could get a handle on it. When you aren't managing your time effectively, using a to-do list and triaging your tasks, you get organized chaos -- and this doesn't work.
Solution: Work in chunks. Block your time to complete one task thoroughly before moving on to the next paper or folder. Then, file that task away. This helps you stay organized and keeps your desk clean. Remember, a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind -- even if the clutter is color coded and organized. I block out an hour at a time to work on a specific task, take a short break and then get back to it until it's done.
4. You are scatterbrained
Multitaskers and insufficient time management mavens -- as I once was -- get scatterbrained. We have so much to do and so much on our minds at any given moment that we forget when the kids have a dentist appointment, or that we have a lunch date with a colleague. Even if we write things down on a Post-it note, the chances of that paper getting lost in the "orderly disorder" we create are extremely high.
Solution: So many of your problems can be solved with a to-do list. You might have an aversion to them, but having that reminder to check your calendar for a lunch date or dentist appointment to your Tuesday task list can make all the difference in the world. I add appointment reminders to my daily to do list to avoid scatterbrained syndrome.
5. You can't get it "all done"
Thanks to my own unique style of scatterbrained organized chaos, I spent more time chasing my proverbial tail than I did getting things "done." I see this problem with many women across the board. We try to be everything to everyone: the mom, daughter, sister, cousin, boss, coworker -- and on the list goes -- that we end up only succeeding in being ineffective. We spread ourselves so thin that we appear disorganized.
Solution: Although emergencies happen and adjustments need to be made to schedules and to do lists, when combining a task list, daily schedule and by using effective communication, I can get back on track in the blink of an eye, and so can you, making you successful at work and at home. Be firm, but flexible.
Certainly, this might all sound simple, hackneyed and trite; however, sometimes the simplest of solutions is the most effective. Honestly, assess whether or not you make any or all of these five mistakes, and test solutions on correcting them. You are likely to be surprised with the results.
Lagi Photo Di FAMA
Sebab banyaaaak sangat aktiviti, daaaaan walaopon tefon ROSAK ! Tape, I'm trying hard to upload the pictures. Biase la, memang da hobby sangat amek gambor ni. Sari tak amik gamba, rase nak domam ajo larh.. Pergh~
Ehhh, tak keterPERASAannye plak gambar ni kabur.
This pictures is during Azie last day.
From left : Kak Ani, Shida, Kak Za, Kak Lini, Zie and Abg Mijie
From left : Kak Ani, Shida, Kak Za, Kak Lini, Zie and Abg Mijie
This is picture during Futsal Competition.
The pictues : Budak yang paling pendek maen bola aritu. Haha~
The pictues : Budak yang paling pendek maen bola aritu. Haha~
Eheeem, nak no komen bley takkk ~
Hahaha.. Bile lagi nak menge'Pose'kan diri. Huhu~
3 Lousy Ways to Apologize for a Mistake
We hear apologies every day, whether they come from ourselves or others. How many of these apologies are actually sincere, and how can we tell?
Ever receive an apology from someone yet feel that they weren't sorry? You were probably right, says Jodi R.R. Smith, author of From Clueless to Class Act: Manners for the Modern Woman. "People will make obligatory apologies in which they don't take responsibility for their actions," she explains. "But if you say, 'It doesn't sound like you're sorry at all,' your relationship will be strained — it may even end," Smith says. "Is calling them on their lousy apology worth that?" Instead, if you receive one of the following apology impostors, reply, "Thank you for saying something" or "I forgive you."

1. "I'm sorry if I upset you."
Translation: I'm not really sorry for what I did. In fact, I don't see any reason I shouldn't do it again. I'm just apologizing because you seem to have gotten yourself all worked up about it.
2. "I'm sorry for what I did, but..."
Example: "I'm sorry I got a spot on your shirt that I borrowed, but you didn't tell me it would be hard to clean. Plus, the restaurant was dark, and I couldn't see that sauce was streaming off my fork onto it."
Translation: I'm full of excuses, all of which absolve me of blame. The mistake is half your fault and half due to circumstances beyond my control.
3. "I know you'll forgive me because you're a reasonable person and we all make mistakes."
Translation: I'm not really guilty of anything except being human, so stop looking so cross—unless you're an unreasonable cretin.
9 Surprisingly Cool Facts You Never Knew about Air Conditioning
If you were born in the past half-century, it might seem crazy to even imagine a world without air-conditioning. How would anyone ever have survived an East Coast heat wave or a sweltering Southern summer? Obviously, people did, but the invention of air-conditioning, considered one of the most significant engineering achievements of the twentieth century, has impacted the economy and the world in ways you may never have imagined. Think climate control is stale and boring? Think again. Here 10 amazing facts about summer's most-needed appliance—after all, it is AC Appreciation Week!
Wooo, this is damn suprising me ! So, don't talk much, let's see read THIS !

1. The first air conditioner wasn't for people's comfort.
The first modern air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier in 1902 for a publishing company in Brooklyn. The machine kept temperature and humidity low so that paper didn’t expand and contract. Carrier never intended for his invention to be used solely for comfort.
2. AC is why we enjoy summer blockbusters.
Theaters jumped on the AC bandwagon early, even in the midst of the Depression. They were among the first places where most people encountered artificially cooled air, and in the hot summer months, movie houses were often the coolest places in town. When the weather got stifling, people cooled off by flocking to see films. Expecting big movie-going crowds, the studios began releasing their best and most lavish productions in the summer, giving birth to the modern summer blockbuster.
3. Before AC, everyone got summer vacation.
Before AC, most industry traditionally slowed or stopped in the summer, when buildings were hot and workers were sluggish. Back then, many American workers got month-long August vacations similar to what workers still get in Europe, where AC isn’t as popular. Even the government tended to shut down during parts of the summer. Some historians blame the growth of federal bureaucracy on air-conditioning, since it enabled lawmakers to stay in session longer.
4. The development of effective temperature control and refrigeration has revolutionized almost every aspect of industry.
Without AC, the following things would be virtually impossible: the manufacture of computers and chipsets; data storage centers; the production, delivery, and storage of food; pharmaceutical manufacturing; and chemical manufacturing.
5. Climate control has completely changed the way we design and construct buildings and homes.
Gone are the cool brick structures with high ceilings, transoms, breezeways, strategically placed shrubbery, and sleeping porches, all of which were designed to keep inhabitants cool. Today’s glass skyscrapers and low-slung tract housing don’t have the same ventilating and heat-defeating features, so going without AC today feels more unbearable than it used to.
6. It's even helped us live longer.
AC allowed for exponential advances in medicine and human life expectancy. Air-conditioned hospitals helped defeat malaria, decrease infant mortality, inhibit bacteria, and advance developments in surgery.
7. It changed where Americans choose to live
Before AC, the Northeast was the economic powerhouse of the United States. Since 1960, 60 percent of all the economic growth in the country has taken place in the South, where AC made year-round factory work and apartment-living possible. Demographers agree that the population explosions in places like Arizona, Las Vegas, Florida, and Texas can be directly attributed to air-conditioning.
8. Air-conditioning conditions us to want more air-conditioning.
There’s scientific evidence showing that spending too much time in cool environments erodes humans’ natural tolerance for heat.
9. The amount of energy the United States uses every year to power our air conditioners is about the same amount of energy consumed by the entire continent of Africa.
Despite much technological advancement, air-conditioning units still consume massive amounts of energy; NPR notes that the Department of Defense spends $20 billion per year on air-conditioning in Iraq, more than the total yearly budget for NASA.
Wooo, this is damn suprising me ! So, don't talk much, let's see read THIS !
1. The first air conditioner wasn't for people's comfort.
The first modern air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier in 1902 for a publishing company in Brooklyn. The machine kept temperature and humidity low so that paper didn’t expand and contract. Carrier never intended for his invention to be used solely for comfort.
2. AC is why we enjoy summer blockbusters.
Theaters jumped on the AC bandwagon early, even in the midst of the Depression. They were among the first places where most people encountered artificially cooled air, and in the hot summer months, movie houses were often the coolest places in town. When the weather got stifling, people cooled off by flocking to see films. Expecting big movie-going crowds, the studios began releasing their best and most lavish productions in the summer, giving birth to the modern summer blockbuster.
3. Before AC, everyone got summer vacation.
Before AC, most industry traditionally slowed or stopped in the summer, when buildings were hot and workers were sluggish. Back then, many American workers got month-long August vacations similar to what workers still get in Europe, where AC isn’t as popular. Even the government tended to shut down during parts of the summer. Some historians blame the growth of federal bureaucracy on air-conditioning, since it enabled lawmakers to stay in session longer.
4. The development of effective temperature control and refrigeration has revolutionized almost every aspect of industry.
Without AC, the following things would be virtually impossible: the manufacture of computers and chipsets; data storage centers; the production, delivery, and storage of food; pharmaceutical manufacturing; and chemical manufacturing.
5. Climate control has completely changed the way we design and construct buildings and homes.
Gone are the cool brick structures with high ceilings, transoms, breezeways, strategically placed shrubbery, and sleeping porches, all of which were designed to keep inhabitants cool. Today’s glass skyscrapers and low-slung tract housing don’t have the same ventilating and heat-defeating features, so going without AC today feels more unbearable than it used to.
6. It's even helped us live longer.
AC allowed for exponential advances in medicine and human life expectancy. Air-conditioned hospitals helped defeat malaria, decrease infant mortality, inhibit bacteria, and advance developments in surgery.
7. It changed where Americans choose to live
Before AC, the Northeast was the economic powerhouse of the United States. Since 1960, 60 percent of all the economic growth in the country has taken place in the South, where AC made year-round factory work and apartment-living possible. Demographers agree that the population explosions in places like Arizona, Las Vegas, Florida, and Texas can be directly attributed to air-conditioning.
8. Air-conditioning conditions us to want more air-conditioning.
There’s scientific evidence showing that spending too much time in cool environments erodes humans’ natural tolerance for heat.
9. The amount of energy the United States uses every year to power our air conditioners is about the same amount of energy consumed by the entire continent of Africa.
Despite much technological advancement, air-conditioning units still consume massive amounts of energy; NPR notes that the Department of Defense spends $20 billion per year on air-conditioning in Iraq, more than the total yearly budget for NASA.
Huhhhh, OMA ! Camanooo... So, starting know we have to try lives in healthy environment. Let's go GREEN dudes !
DIY Your Own Scarf Necklace
Here, saya tertarik sangat tengok die buat skaf + necklace = new necklace !
Chantek sangat oke.. Tadek la sangat, tapi chantek lol. At last, bende yang cenggini kite the only je and tadek nak same cam boria dengan orang laen. And macam my attitude, I really hate if ape yang saya pakai same dengan orang. Tak kan tak pakai baju plak kan.. Oww, bukan cenggitu.. It's mean, everybody have their own ways and I am also have my own style.
That's why bile some others people similarly wear something I can notice, I know they are copying me ! Owh, bley ke notice cenggitu. Bab kate my friend, 'Cino tok buat so barey !' . Hahaha.. True !
Okk, banyak melalut la plak.. Let's trying this~
Farah Malik and Dana Arbib, the industrious duo behind accessories line A Peace Treaty, are major champions of handcrafted practices (and employ skilled artisans in South America, Asia, and the Middle East). Their DIY necklace project provides you with the opportunity to perfect your own technique. Now on to the crafting!
You’ll Need:
A medium-size handkerchief, scarf, or bandanna
Thick chain necklaces
A small carabiner key chain
Step 1: Lay scarf down flat. Start folding both sides toward the middle until you arrive at a strip about one and a half inches wide.
Step 2: Take the folded strip and iron to flatten down. Tie middle of strip into a neat, large knot.
Step 3: Tie two more knots on either side of the central knot.
Step 4: Tie one end of the scarf onto the key chain. Clip the key chain onto the necklace.
Step 5: Tie the other end of the scarf onto a dangling piece of chain.
Step 6: Try it on!
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